Hi Dave! My comments are only the FWIW type that come from a sorta older intermediate player, who loves the cowboy chords, hates barre chords. Definitely not criticism - I can only wish I could play like you do.

First - chord diagrams, chord chart (with lyrics for chord change timing). If I wanted to learn this (and it’s waaay past my abilities) I’d need to break it into chunks - verse, chorus, etc type of chunks, using the chart and diagrams to create the shapes and then practice putting the chunks together to some extent as I master (sorta) them. I’d also want to see visually your strum pattern and a “count” - seems sorta, but sorta not the “calypso” 1 2& ()& 4& pattern, but I’d want to see and “read” the pattern to help me figure it out. Great idea to put this out there - many of your more advanced students wouldn’t need anything as basic as I’m suggesting, I’m sure. Good stuff!

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Hey Mike, I agree on all that. I really only did this video as an experiment to see if it would actually work. I absolutely plan to incorporate chord charts, strumming, detailed things for each lesson/song. Doing the lessons part is easy. I'm still learning how to edit, add things (like chord charts), etc. on Sony Vegas video software. I plan to make videos so people can actually learn something. May take a while for me to get to a point where I can be consistent. Thanks for the feedback.

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